Monday, June 22, 2009

Welcome Summer Goals!

Happy Summer!

We recently celebrated Summer Solstice and with the change in season comes the long days of sunlight and a great feeling of renewal. Try to ignore the kids running around driving you nuts and check in with yourself for a quick moment....

This is a great time to check in and see how those goals you set back in January (did we forget about them?) are going.

Are you making progress in your career, personal, life and health?

So you say, "What is a goal?"
Glad you asked!
A goal is a written, measurable statement with a specific subject and a deadline. A goal is a milestone in the creation of your ideal life. A goal is what inspires you to do the work everyday.

It might sound overwhelming but it can be as simple as spending 10 minutes a day reading a book to your children, cooking a new recipe once a week with you husband, or trying out that new pilates class! Its all about baby steps....

You all know we love love love lululemon! No suprise there! Check out this great tool called Goal Tender. Its a way to define your values and keep track of your goals and progress. Think of it as a way cooler version of a diary.

If you would like to share your goals or stories with us, we would love to hear them! Send them to We love to hear what our community is up to outside of spending time in the studio!